Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye to 2009

Last post of the year and I want to thank everyone who has visited my blog and web site, added comments, and taken the time to buy and read my books. Thank you so much! I appreciate each and every one of you.

2009 was a year of huge achievements for me. The short list includes:

  • Publishing The Great Scarab Scam and Better Than Perfect.
  • Maintaining this blog.
  • Taking a refresher clay class and becoming so inspired I bought my own kiln.
  • Traveling to Frankfurt, Germany in April and Portland, Oregon in November.
  • Joining Twitter (!).
  • Sharing a year's worth of company and inspiration with my writing group.
  • Learning all about art journals and even starting one.
  • Editing an important nonfiction book for a writing client (and meeting my deadline).
  • Writing all 50,000 Nanowrimo words on time and actually finishing the manuscript--hurray!
As I close out this post, I also want to say a big thank you to all the writers, artists, and mentors who have encouraged me to stay on the creative path and to never give up. I want to pass that same message on to you. No matter how difficult your day or year may seem, take at least 30 minutes out of your 24/7 to write at least one page, cut out some pictures from a magazine, or sketch a few gesture drawings. Always honor your creative spirit and never make it "second" or "third" or "last of all" on your to-do list. Wishing you a happy and safe New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2010. See you next year!
Tip of the Day: List your 2009 achievements and successes. I know you must have dozens of them. Congratulate yourself on a job well done!

1 comment:

  1. Great Valerie!You did so many things!
    Happy New Year!

    I did a few as well:
    promoted my book for kids
    had an art display
    started a new series of paintings for my next art display about Cosmos
    started writing a new novel
