Friday, December 24, 2010

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Hope this finds you all ready to celebrate the holiday with joy and a renewed sense of childlike wonder.  Because that's what I consider the best gift of the season:  our chance to get in touch once again with our child-s(elf), the one who believes in miracles, hope, and universal goodness.

Like many people, Christmas holds a lot of memories for me:  funny, confused, sad, exuberant.  The memories cover a lot of ground, things like the time I wasn't allowed to be a reindeer in my first-grade Christmas pageant, and instead had to be a "stationary snowflake."  I remember feeling so crushed:  reindeers got to wear antlers made out of tin foil and run around the auditorium, two by two.  All I got to do was stand still and wave a tissue paper snowflake--a TORN tissue paper snowflake.  Then there was the year my little brother was born the week before Christmas and my grandparents were staying in the house with us as well as my chain smoking "Auntie Mame" who'd come to seek refuge in between divorces (complicated story).  I guess we were too jam-packed in our little house:  the adults suddenly had a scream-fest, knock-down, "you're gonna get it" argument over towels of all things, and I remember hiding under my bed and thinking Christmas wasn't supposed to be like this.

But then there were the other years when the cookies got baked, the fireplace worked, and even the California weather cooperated by being cold enough  for us to wear sweaters and have a "real Christmas."  Those were the good years, and I still remember the thrill of opening my favorite presents:  books.  Heidi, The Wind in the Willows, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, Around the World in Eighty Days...  Oh, how I loved, and cherished, those books.  I still do!  In fact, I'm going to go re-read one of them in a few minutes.

And that brings me to what I guess I really wanted to say here, that a great portion of how we enjoy the holidays rests on the memories and traditions we bring to them, and no matter how bizarre those memories are, they can be turned into something special and meaningful through our writing and artwork.  Every time we pick up a pen or a paintbrush, we have the opportunity to go back and help that little child-s(elf) to have the happiest life, or birthday, or Christmas, or Hanukkah ever.  So go out there and spread joy to the world with your creative spirits.  It's been an honor to have you all visiting my blog this past year; thank you each and every one!

Tip of the Day:  What are your holiday memories?  Perhaps you'd like to start recording them in some special way, either through writing or artwork, or both!  Whatever you choose, I wish you all a great day tomorrow of good times, good friends, and good memories.

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