Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Congratulations!

Just a quick post to share some good news with you all, starting with the winners for the Holly Schindler Giveaway.  First place went to Erika of One A Day Y.A., and our second place winner is Claudsy of Claudsy's Calliope.  Congratulations, winners!  And thank you, everyone, for participating in my very first book giveaway.  We'll have to hold another one soon.

Next, I wanted to let readers know that one of my blog followers, Man Martin, has a new book released tomorrow that you can order today: Paradise Dogs.  Published by Thomas Dunne Books, the novel sounds absolutely hilarious and has already received great reviews from such prestigious reviewers as Publisher's Weekly, Kirkus, and Atlanta Magazine.  Congratulations, Man!  And what a super cover:

Last of all, I just heard from the organizer of the 2011 New Mexico Women Authors Book Festival in Santa Fe, and I've been invited back to present another workshop.  This year I'm scheduled for October 9th at 11.30 AM, and my topic will be "Book Trailers:  How and Why You Need One."  Right now I have two trailers you can view on my sidebar here, but by the time of the festival I will have released two more.  I'm very excited because not only is Santa Fe a wonderful place to visit, but the book festival is so much fun to attend.  And I'll be signing copies of my next novel, Overtaken, so in essence the festival will mark that book's big debut.

In the meantime, wishing you all a happy and productive week.  Congratulations again to our giveaway winners and to Man Martin.  Good job!

Tip of the Day:  Put those pens and paintbrushes down for a couple of hours.  It's summer, time to read and fill up the creative well with a good book (or several).  So everybody get to the bookstore, the library, your best friend's book shelf.  Run, don't walk!

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