Monday, April 21, 2014

R is for River Bones

Mary Deal is one of my favorite authors. I own four of her books, all keepers, but the only one that starts with "R" is River Bones, so that's the title I'm featuring today. River Bones is an exciting page-turner of a mystery set in California's Sacramento River Delta area.

It has a bone-chilling book trailer:

And I want to re-read it RIGHT NOW! Except I can't. I'm at work.

One of the main reasons I enjoy Mary's work so much is her voice. When I read (and re-read) her books, it's hard to remember I'm reading about fictional characters. Instead, all of her story people feel like real people to me--people I'd like to invite to dinner one day--well, the good guys, at least! Mary is an expert at portraying villains, and I would never want to know any of them in person.

Exactly four years ago (almost to the day, where does the time go??) I wrote a post about Mary's book, The Tropics. Since then, Mary has come out with a completely new version of that book, titled Legacy of the Tropics, available on Kindle. Whichever version you read, though, I think that first post sums up my thoughts on River Bones, too.

Mary also teaches writing, and she has a great website full of excellent tips for writers at all stages of their careers. For more on Mary and her books, plus invaluable writing info, please check out

In the meantime, I hope your week is off to a great start and you've been inspired to start searching through all your own bookshelves, discovering which are keepers and what titles you might want to pass on to friends of the library. See you tomorrow with the letter "S"!


  1. Valerie, thank you so much for mentioning my books, my writing, my website. This is an incredible surprise. I am so happy you love my stories and characters. And I hope my website helps many, many writers.

  2. The trailer reminded me of Girl with a dragon tattoo. I hope many people read your book Mary Deal, and I hope serial killers are all caught sooner than later!

  3. Great post and links. Nice to meet and connect through atozchallenge.

  4. So nice to see everbody here today-especially two Charlottes!

    It was a pleasure to share your books, Mary. One of the fun things about listing my keeper books for the A-Z Challenge has been "seeing the books with new eyes." It's given me a whole new appreciation of why I enjoy them so much. Can't wait to start re-reading!
