Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Book Trailer! The Essential Guide for New Writers, From Idea to Finished Manuscript

Announcing!  The Essential Guide for New Writers, From Idea to Finished Manuscript now has its own book trailer:

I'm excited to have this new development for the book, especially as it's been one of my best sellers over the years, and it's been quite a few years! Some of my favorite memories from the early days of writing the book:
  • The idea came to me while I was teaching my first workshop at West Georgia College, now the University of West Georgia.
  • I was still in the middle of building my house in the middle of 5 acres of woods and farmland.
  • My initial idea was to simply make photocopies of my workshop notes and staple them together. (Whew. Would've been a lot of stapling. Glad I didn't choose that option!)
  • And then I realized I could have a complete trade paperback. A revelation in publishing.
  • Chapter 3 on "Creative Conflict" was reprinted in a textbook for the Atlanta College of Art. Prior to this I never knew you could sell and get royalties for just a part of your book. The textbook was for the college's class on making videos.
  • International sales have been as far away as New Zealand and Singapore.
  • I'm proud to say the book has been used in both male and female prison writing programs throughout the country.
  • It's also been a featured textbook in several university masters' programs, including the Masters in Professional Writing at Kennesaw State.
  • I wrote the entire book in longhand first--still my preferred method!
To celebrate the release of my new trailer, The Essential Guide for New Writers is on super-sale at my website.

Instead of the usual price of $10.95, the price is now only $5.95, and all USA orders include Free Shipping! What are you waiting for? Get on over and get your copy today!

Tip of the Day: I wrote The Essential Guide as a way to express my love of writing. When I sat down to type out my handwritten notes, writing was, and continues to be, my passion. I just love to write--and I wanted to share that joy with other writers. Whatever you feel passionate about is always a good indicator of what you should be working on.

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